On August 1, 2021, the shoelace brand “shoeface” will launch a webpage for overseas customers.
“Shoeface” makes one-of-a-kind shoelaces using antique and dead stock kimono fabrics and scraps of Kurume Kasuri, which is designated as an important intangible cultural asset and a traditional craft by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
The company has recently opened a new English page and will finally start selling that have been asking about them its products to overseas customers on (August 1).
shoeface https://shoeface.jp/en

In addition to the appeal of Japanese materials and kimono culture,
through these products which are produced by hand in Japan, the director hopes to convey to the world the politeness and delicacy of the Japanese people in making small things.
KIMONO https://shoeface.jp/en/collections/kimono

KURUME KASURI https://shoeface.jp/en/collections/kurumegasuri

As a company based in the World Heritage town of Munakata, the brand hope to help preserve Japanese culture in a small way, and will introduce these products to the world as a “new standard of Japanese souvenirs”.
【shoeface’s approach to SDGs】
Regarding the use of old fabrics, it is possible to find value in them as shoelaces, even if they are stained or damaged in a way that makes it difficult to use them for their original purpose.
I also believe that by utilizing what we have now, rather than creating something new from scratch, the result will be a little more earth-friendly.
For new fabrics, we use scraps,or limit our purchases to those from places that are working on SDGs. I also believe that I am helping to pass on a wide range of traditional things in a small way.
Changing the shoelaces also helps people to use their one pair of sneakers for a longer time.
For packaging, we collaborate with a local support center for continuous employment
For more information, please visit “OUR SDGs” in the shoeface online store (https://shoeface.jp/en/pages/oursdgs).
“shoeface” https://shoeface.jp/en
Old scarves, kimono wares, and traditional fabrics from Japan and abroad are repurposed as shoelaces.
Even if they are small, dirty, or scratched, they become something new and valuable.
These one-of-a-kind shoelaces will give your sneakers a new lease of life.
Liberty International Co.,Ltd.
4re Division