HomeArts and EntertainmentTASOKARE HOTEL - The Escape & Adventure Novel Game for Android and...

TASOKARE HOTEL – The Escape & Adventure Novel Game for Android and iOS

Tokyo, Japan, SEEC Inc., Today announced that their latest game ‘TASOKARE HOTEL’ launched in iPhone/Android on January 7, 2019. Our 3rd Escape & Adventure Novel is released after ‘Alice’s Spiritual Judge’ and ‘The Prison Boys’.


A girl, Neko Tsukahara, is the main character of TASOKARE HOTEL. She arrived at the twilight hotel without knowing she was life or death.
Neko become an employee of this hotel, and help bring back memories of individual customers who have serious circumstances.
As she came to know about a certain secret, Neko felt a sudden desire.


Application Download Links 
Google Play (English):https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tokyo.seec.tasogarehotelEn
AppStore (English):https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id1446248085


 Official PV 
English: https://youtu.be/NxS0FuOPPqA
Japanese: https://youtu.be/G1b0Y5A5FA0


Character Voice Acting 
Rika Momokawa/Koudai Sakai/Kanehira Yamamoto/Natsue Sasamoto/Yuki Nagano/Yusuke Shirai/Takashi Narumi
(*Voice just only available in Japan, US, Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan)


Ending song/Insert song
Title: Meitei – Inebriety –
Singer: Rico Sasaki


Game Overview
Genre: The Escape & Adventure Novel
Price: Free to Play
Supported OS: Android 4.1 / iOS8.0 or later
Official Website (Japanese): http://se-ec.co.jp/appli/tasokarehotel/
(*Accessible from PCs and Smartphones)
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeecInc_EN

Please download game images from the following URL.


VORT EBISU maxim Bld. 10th floor, 3-9-19, Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0011
Email: info-appli-en@se-ec.co.jp
TEL: +81 (0)3-6418-7080 / FAX: +81 (0)3-6418-7090
Corporate Website (Japanese): https://se-ec.co.jp/
Applications Website (Japanese): https://se-ec.co.jp/application-developer-dept/


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