KYOTO STEAM – International Arts × Science Festival – is a series of Art and Culture events that explore the collaboration between of art and science/technology, taking place in the Okazaki area, Kyoto. Focusing on the indispensable aspects of future education and industry innovation – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (the initial letters of which build the word STEAM), this Festival’s goal is to explore the potential of the achievements gained from each field of study, and to send out a message of an auspicious future society from Kyoto, directly to the entire world.
The inaugural version of this festival is to be held at the end of March 2020, when the cherry blossoms will be in full bloom. All 9 programs, including various workshops, performing arts, interactive experience projects, as well as food and music programs, will be held for a total of 9 days.

Of particular interest is the STEAM THINKING – Art to Create the Future Challenge from Kyoto International Art Competition: Start Up Exhibition. A program to be launched in 2020, this international art competition is a new style art competition, which will call for entry from enterprises and research institutions with excellent technology, as well as artists with original ideas both domestically and overseas, and display and commend collaboration artworks of paired artists and enterprises.
To showcase the full potential of this competition, it will be held in the second floor of the Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art, which is scheduled to re-open at the same time after a renewal. Collaboration artworks between up-and-coming artists, such as YAGI Lyota, KUBO Gaetan and HAYASHI Yuki, and enterprises and research institutions developing technologies and materials, and conducting advanced research, such as the Shimadzu Corporation and the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University (CiRA), will be on display.

In addition, two Performing Arts Programs will be held at the adjacent ROHM Theatre Kyoto. First, the legendary multimedia performance group Dumb Type, which keeps attracting the world’s attention, will present their long awaited new piece for the first time after 18 years. Second, the new performance Classic Literature x Traditional Arts x New Technology: Shinsarugakuki∼cirque du kyoto∼, depicting the original cultural creation process of Kyoto will be produced and staged by the inheritors of traditional arts, performers from both Japan and France, cooperating with enterprises of various technologies. This project was inspired by the Shinsarugakuki, written by Fujiwara No Akihira, a Japanese scholar and literary artist, more than 1200 years ago. This new performance expresses the high entertainment value of the present day performance that finds its roots in the popular entertainment form of Sarugaku.

In the period when KYOTO STEAM is held, the area around Okazaki will sparkle with vibrant colors and buzz, for the cherry blossoms will be in full bloom, and the Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art will re-open. Do not miss this opportunity to visit the Okazaki area, and find the source of future aspirations.
For more details about the KYOTO STEAM Programs:
Title:KYOTO STEAM – International Arts × Science Festival –2020
Period:2020.3.9mon /21sat・22sun /24tue~29sun
Venues:Kyoto City with Okazaki district as the main location (ROHM Theatre Kyoto, Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art, Kyoto City Zoo, and more)
Organizer:Executive Committee of KYOTO STEAM – International Arts×Science Festival
Chairman of the council: KADOKAWA Daisaku(Mayor of Kyoto City)
Councilor: AOKI Jun (Director, Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art)
AKAMATSU Tamame (Chief Director & President, Kyoto City University of Arts)
NAGAO Makoto (Director, Kyoto City Music Art Cultural Promotion Foundation)
Producer: HIRATAKE Kozo(Counselor Culture and Citizens Affairs Bureau Kyoto City)
General Director: NAKAYA Hide (Former NHK Senior Commentator in charge of Arts and Culture/ Digital-Related Matters /Specially Appointed Professor, Kyoto University Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies inHuman Survivability)
Media Contact: Yoshiko Nawa (Ms.),, +81 (0)75-752-2212