No Membership, Easy Installation, and Powerful Management Platform
Today, Delta Electronics (Japan), Inc. (Tokyo Minato-ku) released an EV charging platform “EZQC” (patented) that does not require membership for charging and payment.
[EZQC System Overview]
1. Global Open Standard OCPP1.5/1.6 Compliant
EZQC uses the widely accepted global standard OCPP (Open Charge Point Protocol) for its Cloud Infrastructure platform which allows seamless blend into the growing smart communities. EZQC provides easy power control of charging stations on the smart grid through the power management service for the owners.
2. IoT Technology Leveraged Communication
Launching the smart phone app will automatically communicate with nearby chargers, secure payment, notifying users of availability, and charge progress, plus accumulate points, and deliver coupons for nearby stores.
3. Various payments accepted
Apple Pay、 Rakuten Pay (Japan)、Credit Cards(VISA、Master Card、DC card, etc)are readily accepted just like at the gas station.
[EZQC Features]
1. Protects User Privacy
Because no membership registration is required, users do not need to provide name, home address, bank account, car model, license plate number, and other personal information. End users can use EZQC with a peace of mind. Also, service company do not need to keep important personal data, while government policy will require company to secure these data, it increasing safety storage fee and load unnecessary business process cost.
2. Easy Installation and Low cost
For service installers, there is no need to pay upfront networks costs, or buy service management terminals add-ons, keeping installation and running costs significantly low. The installer only needs to plug a communication USB dongle in our chargers, configure charger to EZQC Cloud, fill in web form, and the service will start automatically. For non-OCPP compliant chargers, we can provide APIs to enable service.
3. Dashboard Function & Control
Dashboard allows owners or service company to view usage by day/month/year, check sales and profit, set service alarms, and set prices. It also provides all other information that the owner would want to see.

4. Bring in Customers to Your Venue
Installers can easily attract customers to their venues while they wait for charging to complete when EZQC offers a coupon to the user. Coupon service can bring in more customers and boost revenue. Coupon service can possibly link to your existing casher backend and provide customer discount service. Service owner can create partnership with surrounding shop, restaurant, coffee or even parking payment.
Please visit our website for further details.
[Standard Price] *Applied for Japan Region Only
When using a Delta Charger
Initial setup Service:\110,000 (Tax Excluded)*1
Monthly Management:\3,000 (Tax Excluded)
Service Fee:4% Sales from charging revenue
Payment Processing Fee: 4% Sales from charging revenue*2
Non OCCP Compliant
Initial setup Service:\160,000 (Tax Excluded) *3
Monthly Management:\3,000 (Tax Excluded)
Service Fee:4% Sales from charging revenue
Payment Processing Fee: 4% Sales from charging revenue*2
*1: Additional customization fees are evaluated case by case
*2: Varied depend upon the selected payment service.
*3: Includes Cloud API fee.
【Delta EV Charger models】

<About Delta Group>
Delta Group is an industry leading switching power supply and cooling fan maker. We excel in providing solutions for power management, power electronics, display, FA, network communication, and renewable energy. The company was founded in 1971 in Taiwan, and now operates globally.
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<Corporate Information>
Name: Delta Electronics (Japan), Inc.
Representative: CH. Ko
Address: Tokyo Minato-ku Shibadaimon 2-1-14
Founded: 1991 June
Delta Electronics Marketing
TEL: 03-5733-1188 (Weekdays 09:00–18:00)