HomeManufacturing and EngineeringIMRA America and TRUMPF Laser Announce Business Partnership

IMRA America and TRUMPF Laser Announce Business Partnership

KARIYA, Japan, February 4 — IMRA America, Inc., (IMRA) world leader in the research, development, manufacturing and application of ultrafast fiber lasers and TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG (TRUMPF), a leading global technology company with machine tools, laser technology, electronics and medical technology as its business fields, have announced their partnership. TRUMPF and IMRA will utilize their combined capabilities to push the industrial application of fiber lasers in the picosecond regime.

Within this partnership, IMRA licenses TRUMPF to use the relevant patents to manufacture fiber lasers within the picosecond field of use. In addition, IMRA and TRUMPF will develop a mutual business relationship with this opportunity.

“I am truly proud to be able to open this important application area for our customers’ benefit. We will have another robust and compact tool for the cold processing of materials. We are already very successful in the area of disk-based picosecond lasers and our technology just recently won the German Future Prize,” said Peter Leibinger, Vice Chairman of the TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG and President of the Laser Technology and Electronics Division. “We look forward to building a long association with the IMRA team.”

Takashi Omitsu, President of IMRA, commenting on the agreement, said: “IMRA is delighted that we can work with TRUMPF in this important application area. We believe our intellectual property and technical strengths will aid IMRA and TRUMPF together in building a successful business in the industrial fiber-based picosecond laser market.”

About IMRA America, Inc.

Founded in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1990, it is dedicated to the development of ultrafast fiber laser technologies for commercial applications. IMRA’s technology portfolio includes over 450 US and international patents and patent applications. The company’s pioneering technologies, rigorous quality control and high volume manufacturing operation make IMRA’s products the sound choice for scientific, OEM and industrial use. IMRA also continues with cutting edge research in areas of new functional nano-materials for bio-medical and energy applications, keeping IMRA front and center in a broad spectrum of research and development.


TRUMPF is a leading global technology company with machine tools, laser technology, electronics and medical technology as its business fields. Products manufactured with the company’s technology can be found in almost every sector of industry. TRUMPF is the world technological and market leader for machine tools used in flexible sheet metal processing, and also for industrial lasers.

In 2012/13 the company – which has approximately 9,900 employees – achieved sales of 2.34 billion euros. With more than 60 subsidiaries and branches, the TRUMPF Group is represented in almost all the countries of Europe, North and South America, and Asia. It has production facilities in Germany, China, France, Great Britain, Japan, Mexico, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and the USA.

Tomoya Hirosumi
Director, Asia sales & marketing
IMRA America, Inc., Japan Branch Office
2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya, AICHI, 448-8650, JAPAN
Tel: +81-566-24-8714
Fax: +81-566-62-1607
e-mail: thirosum@imra.com
URL: http://www.imra.com/

Source: IMRA America, Inc.

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