Engineerforce Inc.(Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Yoshiaki Iida) has officially launched “Engineerforce,” a SaaS system that calculates estimated man-hours by AI for IT engineers, on January 27th, 2021.
Background of the Development

When calculating the estimated man-hours in the IT industry, IT engineers generally calculate the estimated man-hours based on the rules of thumb for each task and summarize them in Excel, and there are many cases where the man-hours for development are roughly estimated based on their gut feeling.
For engineers, making estimates is very time-consuming and relies on rules of thumb, so there is a possibility that the actual development efforts are much more than the estimated man-hours, leading to a troublesome project.
In order to solve this problem, Engineerforce has succeeded in developing proprietary algorithms to calculate the difficulty level of each task and provide an objective estimate of the man-hours required for executing the project.
By presenting an objective estimate of the man-hours, not only the System Integrator, who estimates the development man-hours, but also the Client, who creates the RFP/RFQ and subcontracts it to the System Integrator, can use it as a reference to judge the validity of the estimated man-hours.
Service Overview of Engineerforce

After you input tasks for each function you want to develop, AI will calculate the estimated man-hours based on the information you input.
As a benchmark, we are currently able to achieve a high accuracy of 80%. This tool will revolutionize the software industry by digitalizing the traditional effort estimate process from rules of thumb on spreadsheet based to AI based SaaS system.
Account Creation

Task Entry Screen

Result Screen

Next step
Integration with project management tools.

We would like to refine our tool by integrating with project management tools, so that it will be useful for project managers as well as upper management for budget control.
Integration with Stripe
We are planning to integrate with Stripe so that customers can complete their orders after creating a quotation. Customers will be able to make credit card payments on the spot if they feel comfortable with the quotation they received.
We are also planning to add many other features in future release.
Company Overview
Company:Engineerforce Inc.
CEO:yoshiaki iida
Headquarters:3F Shibuya Center building 16-8 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya,Tokyo