The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) is pleased to announce that 5 local firms and 11 overseas firms have passed our initial review and have been selected as participants for the support program in the “Financial
Innovation Category” of this year’s “Tokyo Financial Award”.
For this year, TMG set 25 themes pertaining to B-to-C services and 5 themes pertaining to B-to-B services under the “Financial Innovation Category”, all of which are based on the actual opinions or issues that we have received
from the Tokyo residents and business people.
TMG has accepted applications from domestic and overseas financial companies that match these themes from the period of July 7 to September 11. As a final result, 90 businesses applied from 20 countries and regions
including Japan.
The 16 companies listed below will receive support, including mentorship programs, business matching, provision of development environments [office space], and other measures. Upon final review and ranking, 3
award recipients will be announced around February 2021. Additional information regarding the awards ceremony will be announced at a later date.
1. Outline of Support Program Participants (in alphabetical order)

*1 The idea of performing inspection and log acquisition on the assumption that all traffic is not trusted
*2 The entire route connecting two parties that communicate in a communication network, or both ends.
*3 Abbreviation for peer-to-peer. Between equals.
*4 Blockchain network that anyone can join freely
*5 Purchase service for trade receivables
2. Schedule

About the “Tokyo Financial Award”
TMG is working together with the national government, private sector, and others to revitalize and transform Tokyo as the top global financial city in Asia. In this regard, TMG is hosting the “Tokyo Financial Award” as one
project in the “Global Financial City: Tokyo” Vision. Since 2018, TMG has been granting a prize to financial institutions who provide and develop innovative products and services that meet Tokyo citizens’ needs and
challenges, as well as financial institutions who work to promote ESG*6 investments.
(*) 6 ESG (“Environmental, Social, Governance”) investment refers to investment decisions based on an institution’s proactive
efforts in combating global warming, empowering women, selecting outside directors, etc.
Please see the Tokyo Financial Award website for details:
Assigned Operations for Global Financial City Tokyo
Special Zone Strategic Projects Promotion Section,
Office for Strategic Policy and ICT Promotion
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Tel: 03-5388-2144