HomeBusiness1SEC INC. Creates Virtual Avatar Together with Takafumi Horie, Japan's First Civilian...

1SEC INC. Creates Virtual Avatar Together with Takafumi Horie, Japan’s First Civilian Rocket Pioneer & Entrepreneur

1SEC INC. (Headquarters: Meguro, Tokyo; hereinafter “1SEC”), a next-generation creative company with locations in Los Angeles, United States and Tokyo, Japan that empowers talent through technology, begins activities in collaboration with Takafumi Horie Innovation University (HIU) toward the “Takafumi Roid Horie” (Horieroid) project to create Takafumi Horie’s virtual human avatar. The “Horieroid Start Dash Campaign,” a crowdfunding campaign to raise awareness of virtual technologies and support operational efficiency through AI and virtual humans, will be the first stage of these activities.

Following in the footsteps of Hiro Mizushima’s “Lewis Hiro Newman,” the world’s first celebrity to become a virtual avatar back in 2019, “Horieroid” makes his debut. Horieroid is an AI and image-generated virtual human modeled off Takafumi Horie, the founder of Interstellar Technologies and HIU, initially created so Horie could freely engage in the activities he enjoys without worrying about his tedious everyday tasks.
Moving forward, there will be more focus on deep learning for speech so that tasks like lectures, product PR, fan interactions, etc. could all be delegated to Horieroid. The plan is to carry out said activities as a symbol of the age in which humans, AI, and virtual humans coexist.
In the future, the company will continue to deepen its partnerships with celebrities like Liam Nikuro, who attracted much attention as the first male influencer, and Hiro Mizushima, the first actor to become a virtual human. The company will also continue the research and development for AI deep learning.

Crowdfunding Overview
“Horieroid Start Dash Campaign”
Started in June 2020
To be shared when decided
PR video with Horieroid
Bouquet of flowers from Horieroid, etc.
Profile Information

Takafumi Roid Horie
Date of Birth: June 2020
Height and Weight: 173cm, 73kg
Type: Virtual human
Nationality: None (does not belong anywhere in this world)
Personality: Patient, peaceful, does things his way
Education: Multilingual (Japanese, English, Chinese, Indonesian, Korean, and various other languages)
Talents: Karaoke, happily riding crowded trains
Hobbies: Travel (tours of temples and shrines), long phone calls with friends, saving 500 yen coins
Dream Occupation: Astronaut
Private Life: House cleaning (the KonMari Method)
Personal Story: Once got down on one knee and gave a bouquet of roses to the woman of his heart
Other: Despite being a virtual existence, admires real humans
(Official Instagram Account)  https://www.instagram.com/horie_roid/
(Official Twitter Account) https://twitter.com/horie_roid
(Official Website) https://virtual-horiemon.site/

Comment from Takafumi Horie
“I have always said that the time will come when people can spend their time having fun, as AI rapidly take the jobs of people. Virtual humans are a prime example of this concept. Even though I have continued to decline lectures and advertising shoots that I do not want to participate in, requests continued to pour in.
I expect ‘Takafumi Roid Horie’ to take on these requests on my behalf moving forward.”

Takafumi Horie‘s Profile
Born on October 29th, 1972 in Fukuoka Prefecture.
Currently engaging in activities in various fields such as rocket engine development, app production, and raising awareness of preventive medicine as part of the Japan Preventive Medicine Foundation. “Takafumi Horie Innovation University (HIU),” the membership-based online platform, carried out a myriad of projects together with nearly 1,500 members.
Authored Works
“Tadoryoku (Ability to Multitask)” “Jikan Kakumei (Time Revolution)” “120 Sai Made Ikitai Node, Saisentan Iryo Wo Shuzai Shitemita (I Covered the Latest Medical Treatment Because I Want to Live Until I Am 120,” Etc.
Further details at horiemon.com
Twitter Account: @takapon_jp

HIU is a membership-based communication platform by Takafumi Horie. In addition to the main Facebook group, there are roughly 30 subcommittees that give form to what the members would like to accomplish. This is a forum where spirited people who would like to pursue their interests, whether for business or for pleasure, with all their might gather, interact, and produce new values.
URL: http://salon.horiemon.com/

Carries out the planning and development of virtual humans utilizing 3D technologies and AI research and development around its marketing support business using key opinion leaders and social media and its artist and celebrity digital transformation business.
1SEC provides “ONE Digital,” which aims for a digital shift for monetization of artists and talent, and promoted the “celebrity virtualization project” as an extension of the optimization of the digital transformation of celebrities. 1SEC will continue to provide optimal digital transformation solutions for client needs and aim to empower people around the world through technology.

Corporate Overview
Company Name: 1SEC INC.
Representative: Hirokuni Miyaji
[United States] 1541 Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica, CA, US
[Japan] 2-1-1 Higashiyama, Meguro, Tokyo Oriental Higashiyama No. 5 6F
Founded: January 2019
Capital: 170 million yen
Business Content:
Brand studio business
Virtual technology and AI business
Celebrity digital transformation business
URL: https://www.1sec.world

Press inquiries
Nakamura, Media Relation, 1SEC INC.
Mail: info@1sec.world


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