HomeBusinessAUTOMOTIVE WORLD Conference Welcomes Speakers from Toyota & Volkswagen as Keynote Session...

AUTOMOTIVE WORLD Conference Welcomes Speakers from Toyota & Volkswagen as Keynote Session Speakers

100 Speakers at AUTOMOTIVE WORLD Conference [January 16-18, 2019 at Tokyo Big Sight]

Keiji Yamamoto, Executive Vice President of Toyota Motor Corp., and Helge Neuner, Head of Automated Driving, Group Research, Volkswagen AG will take the rostrum of the Keynote Session of AUTOMOTIVE WORLD Conference, which is a concurrent event of AUTOMOTIVE WORLD Exhibition.


Keynote Session by Toyota & Volkswagen

Theme of the Keynote Session is “Connected & Autonomous Vehicles Change the Mobility Society”. Speech theme of Keiji Yamamoto (Executive Vice President, Connected Company, Managing Officer, Toyota Motor Corp.) is “Envisioning Smart Mobility Society in the Connected Future”. Helge Neuner (Head of Automated Driving, Group Research, Volkswagen AG) will speak about “Autonomous Driving: A Mobility Revolution”. This keynote session will be provided in 4 languages: English, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.

For the details on Keynote Session: https://www.automotiveworld.jp/seminar_K_en/

100 Speakers to Address on Hot Topics of Automotive Industry

Almost all the sessions will be provided in English and Japanese. Check out the speakers and themes on the website.

Conference Program: https://www.automotiveworld.jp/seminar_en/

Contact info:

Attn.: Itsuki Imamura (Ms.), Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.
Email: visitor-eng.auto@reedexpo.co.jp
TEL: +81-3-3349-8502
WEB: https://www.automotiveworld.jp/en-gb.html


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